Our Services

Dymond Drones can provide a number of services, ranging from, Structural Inspections, Maritime photography / videography, Estate Agents shots.

Please feel feel to call to discuss your requirements


Autel Evo 2 Pro

The Autel Evo 2 PRO Rugged, the world’s most capable folding drone. Featuring a class leading 40 minute flight time, 1″ sensor with 6K, custom peli case, 9km video transmission and omni-directional obstacle avoidance, the Evo 2 PRO is set to take over the market.

6K Logo


We are able to produce stunning 6K imagery and videography unparalleled to 4k or 1080p, so if you need the finest picture showing 6K, then drop us a line.


Structural Inspection

Why risk yourself to inspect a chimney, roof, or gutter. Scaffolding ca be expensive and time consuming, with a drone I’m able to quickly launch the drone and inspect the damaged area, or examine the area of concearn.

Unmanned Aerial System (UAS)

Take an aircraft, add a radio connection or maybe a network and a human to control it using a remote. This is probably the phrase that is most commonly used by industry groups

Estate Agents

Sell a property with the best photography. An aerial shot can show off all the unique qualities of the property. A home with landscaped gardens and surrounded by countryside can sell itself if aerial photographs and videos are available to potential buyers. A drone is the most cost efficient way to capture the stunning beauty of your property

Maritime Videography / Photography

Selling a Boat?. An aerial shot can show off all the unique qualities of the boat. A boat in surrounding waters can sell itself if aerial photographs and videos are available to potential buyers. A drone is the most cost-efficient way to capture the stunning beauty of your property

You want the best shot

We`ve got the right solution

Dymond Drones

The Service Above the Rest